Sunday, June 21, 2009

Hello Again,

Well here I am again, on the bleeding edge of passing a class and checking my grades. Each day I am hopeful that my I have some glimpse of my future of feeling the pain of failing or feeling the release of barely slipping through the minimal requirements of my life.

I can't even follow my own rules. I have wanted to write in this stupid blog two days ago but I was too lazy to even do that. Breanne works so hard every day and I can't even type a couple hundred measly words to practice writing. That's why I am writing now; I wanted to write about how I was going to work hard every day of my two week break to write SOMETHING in my blog. I need to practice being able to collect my thoughts into something doesn't involve lines of programming. But I couldn't even do that. I played video games instead, again. God I feel like a loser. Well there! I did it. I wrote a whole 197 words. I'll hope fully be in a better mood tomorrow. If I don't write anything guess who is really a loser?

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